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  • Day 6, Lesson 4: Caring for One Another

    < Back Confirmation Day 6: Caring For Faith Within the Congregation Day 6, Lesson 4: Caring for One Another Objective First we should love God; We should love our neighbor as ourselves Learning Outcome Describe how God’s love prompts me to help others Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: When we see our neighbor suff’ring, / When he lacks necessities, / May we share our many blessings, / All the gifts that we receive. / May we comfort him who struggles, / That he never weeps alone. / May we tell him of the Savior / Seated at the mercy throne. (SHZ 412 v.3) Booklet Text: “Am I my brother's keeper?” (Genesis 4:9) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Gen. 4:1-15; Gen. 23:2-6; Sam. 12-13; Matt. 7:12; 18:15-20; Luke 7:36-50; Luke 10:25-37; Luke 22:54-62; John 16:13; John 21:17; Rom. 12:10, 14-18; 1 Cor. 2:1-5; 2 Cor. 5:19,20; Gal. 1:6,7; 6:1,2; Eph. 4:1-5, 32; Col. 3:16; Heb. 12:1,2; 1Pet. 2:9. CURRICULUM Lesson 7.6 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Joseph’s faith engendered love, which gave strength to forgive and care for others The Good Samaritan used his time, skills and money for the good of one that needed help The love that God gave as a gift teaches us to accept ourselves and our neighbors as unique persons created by God Valuing diversity does not mean approving of sin and an indecent life Continuous criticism, suppression, and derision of another person and cold indifference are foreign to the neighborly love that is the fruit of true faith. Neighborly love is being near, listening, but also caring and desiring to help when needed Neighborly love gives us a readiness to meet a diversity of cultures with an open mind. A person who has set out on a different road in faith matters may long for contact with believers. Learn to discuss in such a confidential, secure manner so that a person could openly ask questions and even question matters. Search for answers within the congregation of God. It is our task to convey the Redeemer’s loving invitation. A penitent sinner can believe sins forgiven unconditionally in the gospel proclaimed from the Kingdom of God. RESOURCES By Faith Lesson 37 ; Christian Doctrine 85 - Saved to Serve; How to Approach Another Person, Aimo Helen, SRK Speakers and Elders meeting at Summer Services 2013; How to Approach Another Person, Keith Waaraniemi, LLC Summer Services 2014 (Presentation based on Aimo’s Introduction); Crossing the Current: Neighborliness–An Individual and Worldwide Matter; Crossing the Current: Neighborliness – A Neighbor in Need, J. Bloomquist, pages 98-99; The Sheepfold Tender: Bear One Another’s Burdens, D. Lahti, p. 143-147; Do You Care About Me?T. Hanninen p.163-164; I Will Seek That Which is Lost, H. Kallunki, p.165-173 ; VZ: A Brother’s Keeper, Youth Page (several articles), Jul 1999, page 8 Previous Next

  • Day 3, Lesson 4: The Gospel, the Message of Victory

    < Back Confirmation Day 3: Jesus, the Son of God Day 3, Lesson 4: The Gospel, the Message of Victory Objective The core of the gospel is the forgiveness of sins; The gospel is the power of God to the person who believes it Learning Outcome Explain what the core gospel is and why it is important to me, a believer. Confirmation Exercise Questions #16. What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the joyous message of Jesus Christ. #17. What is the core message of the gospel? The proclamation of the forgiveness of sins. #18. To whom is the Gospel preached? To the penitent and remorseful. Reference Material Booklet Song: And therefore Jesus gave command: / “Go forth and preach in ev’ry land / To contrite hearts, forgive their sin; / O’er Satan’s strength my work will win.” (SHZ 409 v.2) Booklet Text: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Isa. 55:1; Jer. 31:31-34; Matt. 4:23; Mark 1:14-15, 16:15; John 8:11; Rom. 1:16:15, 10:4, 13-17; Gal. 2:16; 1 Thess. 1:5; Tit. 2:11-14; Heb. 4:15-16. CURRICULUM Lesson 3.6 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS The Gospel promises man the forgiveness of sins and salvation in Christ without the works of the Law. In the gospel a new man is born. Those who have come into faith through the Gospel cannot be touched by the condemnation of the Law. When the Holy Spirit sanctifies man, the grace of God teaches him to forsake sin and live in obedience to God's will. RESOURCES Christian Doctrine 55; The Treasure Hidden in the Field, J. Uljas, pages 49-54 LLC Website: The Law and the Gospel, D. Rintamaki, Summer Services, Ministers and Board Meeting, 1994; Gospel of Christ – Power of God, J. Stewart, Winter Services Youth Presentation, 1994. VZ: Counsels and Rebukings of the Gospel, W. Havas, Jan/Feb 1974 page 22; The Gospel Provides Power to Battle Sin, Phoenix Winter Services, April 1994, pages 6-8; Previous Next

  • LLC History - 2010s

    COOPERATION Mutual work with sister organizations was formalized, with mutual efforts in mission work and publications. Home and family work was facilitated. New facilities helped meet expanding needs across the continent. Scattered use of digital technology in work areas solidified into robust use of digital platforms to hold services domestically and abroad, broadcast programs, facilitate education and provide publications content. LLC congregation growth over the past 50 years. LLC Member Congregations LLC History 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s LLC Music History More

  • Pelkie Laestadian Lutheran Church

    Pelkie Laestadian Lutheran Church Contacts Chairman & Pastor James Frantti Phone: 906-483-0712 Email: Secretary Roy Pikkarainen Phone: 906-482-2166 Service Schedule Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. Communion Service 1st Sunday montly Wednesday Bible Class 6:30 p.m. For changes in schedule call contact persons Address 15439 Pelkie Road Pelkie, MI 49958 Mailing Address: 22399 Broemer Rd Chassell, MI 49916 Phone: 906-353-7531

  • Day 1, Lesson 1: The Most Precious Matter in Our Lives

    < Back Confirmation Day 1: Welcome! Day 1, Lesson 1: The Most Precious Matter in Our Lives Objective To know God and our Savior Jesus Christ is the most precious matter in our life. Learning Outcome Describe the purpose for my Confirmation school Confirmation Exercise Questions Explain that the exercise questions will be asked on Confirmation day Direct students to the questions and answers in the back of the Student’s Booklet Reference Material Booklet Song: This precious lot was given me / When I began this journey / And made a sacred promise here: / Lord, Thine I would be only. / Thy footsteps I will follow, Lord, / Confess Thy name here in this world / From Thy blest kingdom, Jesus. (SHZ 298 v.1) Booklet Text: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; (Ecclesiastes 12:1) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Matt. 4:4; 6:21, 33; 13:44-46; Hos. 6:6; Heb. 11:1,6; James 2:19; John 10:9; 14:6; Rom. 5:1,2; 2 Cor. 4:6; Eph. 2:12,13; Col. 1:20-22; Heb. 7:25; 1 Pet. 3:18 CURRICULUM Lessons are based on the Bible and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism Instruction on the practices in living Christianity Guidance on living a Godly life, including life in the congregation ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Confirmation school helps a youth to believe in God Confirmation is a continuation of the baptismal teachings On Confirmation day students will confess the faith in God and partake of Holy Communion Christian teaching is based on God’s Word The Holy Spirit is needed to open God’s Word The Holy Spirit is found in the congregation Student will understand that only in Jesus Christ can man truly know God. Resources Remember Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth, S. Roiko, LLC Website, Summer Services, 2010 Remember Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth, M. Taskila, At the Crossroads of Choosing, p. 172; The Choices of Youth, The Sheepfold Tender, pages 120-121 Previous Next

  • Our Mission

    Our Mission To preach the gospel of repentance and remission of sins to the people of our communities, our nations, and throughout the world so that they might become partakers with us of the grace that God offers sin-fallen man in His Son Jesus Christ. To nurture and strengthen the faith of the believing and root our children in Christian faith in God's kingdom. To awaken and inspire Christian values and ethics, soberness of mind, love of homeland, and responsible citizenship among the people of our nations.

  • December 3, 2024 | Laestadian Lutheran

    < Back December 3, 2024 Click the link below to open instructions for a Christmas star craft. Christmas Star Craft Still, Still, Still Previous

  • December 5, 2024 | Laestadian Lutheran

    < Back December 5, 2024 Click the link below to listen to a story about Abby, who can’t wait for her Sunday school program. A Christmas Part for Abby Christmas Peace Previous

  • LISTEN | Laestadian Lutheran

    Listen If the player above is not working, you can use this link . The Evening Devotion for each evening will air for the first time at 8 p.m. EDT and on the hour at 8 p.m. in each of the North American time zones. Following the devotion, songs will be broadcast for the remainder of the hour. This program aims to bring you the comforting message of the gospel as evening shadows fall wherever you may be. We hope that this brief moment beside God's Word is a support to you in your endeavor. If you would like to support this program and the work of the Laestadian Lutheran Church, you can do so here . If you use the app, simply type laestadian lutheran church in the search field to find us and make your donation. Thank you for your support. Archived Sermons Browse archived sermons from LLC services and from member congregations. View all sermons Evening Devotions Archives Member Congregation Broadcast & Archive Links Some congregations broadcast and archive their sermons. Please check individual congregation web pages to see the time of the live service broadcast. Member Congregations

  • Sunday School Resources | Laestadian Lutheran

    Sunday School Resources Preschool Curriculum Kindergarten Curriculum 1st Grade Curriculum 2nd Grade Curriculum 3rd Grade Curriculum 4th Grade Curriculum 5th Grade Curriculum 6th Grade Curriculum 7th Grade Curriculum 8th Grade Curriculum 9th Grade Curriculum

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