Hearken is the LLC Digital Publications app released in March 2022.
Purchase and manage your Hearken subscription at hearken.llchurch.org.
Please visit this page first to create an account and subscribe to Hearken.
For a monthly fee, subscribers have full access to a broad array of digital periodicals and books, audio and video and LLC albums. Hearken was launched in March 2022 and we already have many subscribers, for which we are very thankful. Nonetheless, we occasionally hear from members wondering what Hearken is and how to access it.
To provide answers to these questions, we have prepared a video to inform our member congregations about Hearken, our publications app.
Subscription plans available for $12.50/month (single) or $25.00/month (family).
For more information about the app, see below.
If you would like to purchase a subscription for Hearken as a gift, please purchase a gift card from our online store.
How to...
How to purchase Hearken
1. Visit the website hearken.llchurch.org. All subscriptions are managed on this site.
2. Login or Sign Up
3. Purchase a plan (Single Package or Family Package)
4. Download the Hearken app using one of the app store buttons on the page.
5. Once the app has downloaded on your phone or tablet, open the app.
6. Click the user icon in the upper left corner of the app.
7. Click Log In
8. Use the same email and password that you created on the website to login to the app.
9. You are now logged into the app! Enjoy!
How to use a Hearken family package
1. The administrator of the family package must first purchase the Family Package under his or her Hearken account.
1a. Visit the website hearken.llchurch.org. All subscriptions are managed on this site.
1b. Login or Sign Up
1c. Purchase a Family Package plan
1d. Take note of the Family Code. This is the code you will share with family users.
1e. Download the Hearken app using one of the app store buttons on the page.
1f. Once the app has downloaded on your phone or tablet, open the app.
1g. Click the user icon in the upper left corner of the app.
1h. Click Log In
1i. Use the same email and password that you created on the website to login to the app.
1j. You are now logged into the app as 1 of 10 available users
2. Each additional user needs to create their own account at hearken.llchurch.org
3. They will need to enter the Family Code provided by the Family Package Administrator.
4. Proceed to download the app and log in.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I change my subscription from a Single Package to a Family Package? Or from a Family Package to a Single Package?
1. Visit the subscription website hearken.llchurch.org
2. Login to your account
3. Under the 'Plan Name' section, click "Cancel Subscription".
4. Make note of the date your subscription is set to expire. Once your current subscription expires, follow steps 1 and 2 above, then choose a new subscription.