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Ministers Message


Jesus Converses

Epistle Postil

Jesus and the Rich Young Man

Jesus reveals His divine power

Jesus and Thomas

Judgement Sunday

Jesus and the Sadducees

Jesus Gives Life

Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Jesus and the Sons of Thunder


Jesus and theThief on the Cross

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Jesus and Martha

Second Sunday After Epiphany

Jesus and Parents

Vigilance Sunday

Jesus and the Canaanite Woman

Thanks for Gifts

God's Command and the Tradition of the Elders

The Law of Love

Christian Freedom and the Law's Slavery

Awaiting the Holy Spirit

Resurrection Deniers

Jesus Christ-The Bread of Life

Old Testament Metaphors
The High Priest
The Priesthood of Aaron
The Priesthood of Melchizedek
Sacrifices in the Old Testament
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