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A Song About Me

Laestadian Lutheran

Krista Simonson | The Shepherd's Voice August/September 2022 - Home and Family Article --

Dear Creator, Lord of grace,

well You know my life and ways;

I was shielded in Your keeping

while within my mother sleeping.

There You sealed me, God above,

with your vow of perfect love.

In the womb, where none could see,

there Your grace was guarding me.

There did bounteous love enfold me

though none yet could touch or hold me;

You knew when my life began

why I am the way I am.

You beheld, before my birth,

all my moments here on earth.

In Your book, my Maker, caring,

there You wrote them all, unerring.

Deep into my heart You see

and you always care for me.

(SHZ 227)

Did you know that even before you were born, God knew everything about you? God has wonderfully made you according to His perfect plan.

Think for a moment about something you enjoy, something you are good at. Maybe you like to bake or to draw. Do you love to sing or play an instrument? Do you enjoy hiking or reading or making crafts? Maybe you have a special way of cheering others up when they are sad. God has given you your very own special ways and gifts. God has made you special and you are special to God.

Have you ever heard the words: “I love you to the moon and back”? God loves you even more! His love is too great to measure. When our sins are forgiven we are held and carried in this love of God. To be a child of God is the best gift we can own.

Things to visit about:

  1. God made each of us different. In what ways are you different from your siblings?

  2. What is a special skill or interest that you have?

  3. Because we have different strengths, we can help each other. How can you help your siblings or your parents? How can your siblings help you?

  4. What is the most important way to help each other?

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