Eric Jurmu | The Voice of Zion April 2022 - News and Notes --
For many living in the northern lands, the month of April brings a renewed hope of spring and warmer days ahead. This year April also marks the celebration of Easter. The songwriter has written,” Let us go up to Jerusalem and gather in still reflection to ponder the path of our Savior’s pain, His suff’ring and crucifixion.” I wish for each of you a blessed Easter with this greatest hope: that of resurrection in the glory of heaven.
Updates on LLC Activities
2022 Phoenix Winter Services
The service motto “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever,” greeted service guests after two years of LLC Winter Services being held online. It was a special joy to again gather with many fellow travelers in Zion. With the warmth of services a recent memory, we can now look forward to our summer services with the prayer that God will bless them according to His will.
At Winter Services, Hearken, the LLC publications app was released. This app for mobile devices contains a wide variety of publications, from ebooks to audio content to LLC music and videos. You can subscribe for a small monthly fee to gain access to all content. We will continue to publish our publications in familiar formats – Hearken is an additional platform that allows users to carry this content wherever they go, on their mobile device. To create an account, go to
Board Meeting
The board had a long and united discussion on the current spiritual situation in North American Zion. The board will be sending communication to congregations regarding the outcome from that discussion.
The board reviewed plans for the 2022 LLC Annual Meeting and discussion on LLC Area realignment and bylaw changes. Realignment is necessary due to the western movement of members. These plans will be sent for review along with the LLC Annual Meeting packet. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Rockford church on July 2.
The board approved Arvin Pirness to replace Eric Jurmu as LLC Executive Director.
The board approved hiring Shanna Pirness as fulltime LLC Digital Communications Specialist, replacing Sarina Siljander.
The board made plans for the 2022 LLC Annual Meeting to be held at the Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Church.
We are thankful for the mutual love and unity of spirit which was experienced at the LLC Board meeting.
2022 Summer Services in Monticello, Minn.
Planning continues in preparation for 2022 Summer Services to be held at Silver Springs in Monticello, Minn. The dates for services are from 3 p.m. on Thursday, June 30, through Sunday afternoon, July 3. Look for additional information on the LLC website
The 2022 LLC Annual Meeting notice, agenda and delegate package will be sent to congregations in mid-April. In addition, the 2023 Draft LLC Operating Plan will be sent for review. The theme of the plan is “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Matt. 16:18). A video with highlights of the plan will be available for the congregations to view in preparing their delegates for the Annual Meeting. The 2022 LLC Annual Meeting will be held at the Rockford church Saturday, July 2.
Ministers Camp
An LLC Ministers Camp will be held at Stony Lake Camp April 1–3. The primary focus of the camp will be on timely topics and spiritual concerns experienced in North American Zion. It is good to remember this gathering in prayer.
Board Members Workshop
The LLC Congregation Board Member workshop will be held April 30 at the Monticello church. The focus of this workshop will also be the spiritual concerns felt in North American Zion and give an LLC office update on current and planned work. It would be beneficial for congregations to encourage and support their board members’ attendance.
LLC 50-year Celebration Planning
Work is already in progress to plan for LLC 50-year festivities in connection with 2023 Summer Services. In February, the LLC Music Committee issued a call for melodies for a hymn, written by Rick Nevala, that will be sung at those festivities. Twenty melodies were submitted, and in a blind review one was selected to be used for the hymn in question. The selected melody was composed by Ashley Niemela of Buffalo, Minn.
God blesses His children with many gifts, and we thank Him for all the ways these gifts serve the work in His kingdom. Indeed God has graced us with a time of work. May He continue to guide and bless the efforts of His children.