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Be Glad!

Laestadian Lutheran

David Edwards | The Voice of Zion December 2024 - What Does the Bible Say Article --

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. – Matt. 5:12

Don’t these words of Jesus bring great comfort to you, my fellow traveler? During the Christmas season there are many familiar songs and phrases that speak of joy and gladness. As we make the final preparations for Christmas, let us pause for a few moments around God’s Word and reflect on the true source of joy we have as God’s children.

What makes us exceedingly glad? 

Our Bible text is the final portion of what is known as the Beatitudes, spoken during Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Jesus exhorted to rejoice and be exceeding glad. What brings you joy? What makes you exceedingly glad? I have often heard young children exclaim, “This is the best day ever,” when they have received something. Often it is a gift beyond the expectation of the child. 

Those who witness this expression of joy experience joy themselves. While this type of joy is familiar, it is often short-lived because it comes from receiving temporal gifts. There is, however, a gift that exceeds all other gifts, faith. 

You, dear child of God, have received the most precious gift man can receive, faith. It came from God. There are many people in this world who have not received such a great gift. For this reason, the child of God desires to thank the heavenly Father and join with the words of Apostle Peter. “But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Pet. 4:13).

Not only do believers experience joy, but heaven also expressed joyous news when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the Bible testifies that the angels rejoiced over the news of the birth of a Savior. “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10).

What kind of reward is heaven?

The reward for remaining in faith is a crown of life in heaven. A reward in the favorable sense is something given in return for a good thing done, a service rendered, or some merit earned. Children of God cannot boast of our successes, rather we often lament how poor and weak we are in faith. 

So why does God offer a reward? It is because God sees us through the merits of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through faith in His merits, we receive the gift of righteousness. Through faith, we receive a twofold portion, both life, and hope of heaven. When considering the reward of heaven, one can ponder the glory that awaits there. The Apostle exhorts, “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor. 9:2). 

As a pardoned sinner, the child of God receives an answer, peace of conscience. How often the little children remind us of the hope of heaven! I have observed this via my youngest children when putting them to bed. How restful they become when the sweet message of the gospel is preached.

What can we learn from trials and persecution?

Here in this life, we all have trials. God’s Word reminds that trials are given to test our faith. We also understand that God does not give us more that we can bear. I have often gleaned from the example of Job, a righteous man, who was blessed temporally and spiritually. God allowed the enemy of souls to smite Job. He lost all his earthly possessions, his family, and even his health. Each time these trials came, Job would say, “the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). 

While God did allow the devil to tempt and try Job, He did not allow the devil to touch Job. Job’s faith and God’s protection for him, serve as a reminder to us. They are one of many reminders from the Old Testament about God’s protection. Through faith former travelers made it to heaven’s shore. God who also knows our needs, hears our prayers, not only blessed us, but also protected us from the evilness that is in the world. Jesus prayed in His high priestly prayer that we would be protected from evil (John 17:15). 

We face a threefold enemy, the devil, the world, and our own sin corrupted flesh. Sometimes this enemy comes so close we become fearful and wonder if God has forgotten us. God does not leave us in this condition but rather sends His angels to comfort us and bring the glad tidings from heaven, the precious gospel message. The gospel will carry us until the end of our journey where through faith we can hear the wonderful greeting of our Lord Jesus “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:34). It is worthwhile to continue traveling the way of faith.  

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why does God promise a reward to those who believe?

  2. What is the true source of joy for a believer? How does it differ from the joy that comes from receiving material gifts?

  3. When Jesus was born, heaven and believers on earth rejoiced. What were they happy about?

  4. What things to be happy about can we gain from going through trials?

  5. What do we mean when we say our greatest treasure is the hope of heaven?

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