Eric Jurmu | The Voice of Zion November 2021 - News and Notes --
Cold winds of November are biting in the upper Midwest, and it reminds us that another year is ending. It also reminds us of the cycle of life when our earthly body withers like the grass of the field and the flower of life fades away. Yet, how thankful we can be for God’s protection and care through the power of the gospel, which strengthens a child of God to take another step towards heaven.
November marks the end of the church calendar year, and the approach of Advent. Prior to that on November 1, All Saints’ Day, we lovingly remembered those who have gained the victory of heaven. They are remembered with longing and with the hope of reunion one day in the glory of heaven. As plans are made for Advent and the upcoming Christmas season, may we remember our heavenly Father’s many blessings.
Updates on LLC Activities
• The Eastern Mission Area holds its annual fall area-wide meeting as an online meeting on Saturday, November 6.
• The Midwest Mission Area (MBMAC) holds its annual fall meeting at the Rockford, Minn., church on Saturday, November 20.
• The camp season is closing with only a few more scheduled activities. The camp season was a success, with around 3130 total participants. Hasscib Lake is now shut down for the year. Kamp Kipa and Stony Lake will be completely closed down for winter by mid-November.
• The LLC Office is serving us very well. There is much more traffic and visitors stopping by than at the prior location in Loretto. Visitors are welcome! Budget-wise, the monthly outlay is similar to the prior building except that the current building is owned vs. leased.
• The Facilities Committee along with the Silver Springs Development Committee are working on final details for bathhouse construction at Silver Springs next spring.
• New Publications, Coming Soon: We’re happy to let you know that there are a variety of new products available.
– Songbird video collection: A group of artists have illustrated songs of Zion, and these illustrations have been made into videos. This past summer we recorded children singing these songs to provide music for the videos. The videos include a notation element to help children learn to sight-read.
– Comfort & Joy: This is a men’s unison Christmas album that was recorded in August. Laurel Loukusa directed a group of song leaders from southern Minnesota congregations. This album is already available on digital platforms, and it will be available as a CD the first week in December.
– To the Sea: Short Fiction for Young Adults: This is a book of short stories written by North American writers over the last twenty-five years. The primary audience, as the name indicates, are readers in the 12–18 age range, and our hope is that readers of all ages benefit from these stories.
– Oh, Come, Little Children!: This is a Christmas coloring book that invites children of all ages to come see the place where baby Jesus lies. The illustrations in this book follow the narrative of the song of Zion by the same name.
• Printing Costs Are Rising: Since our most recent subscription price adjustment two years ago, we have been faced with a number of cost increases in printing and postage. This makes it necessary for us to adjust our subscription pricing once again, effective January 1, 2022. As of that date, a one-year subscription to The Voice of Zion will cost $60 (North America) and $90 (overseas). Likewise, a one-year subscription to The Shepherd’s Voice will cost $35 (North America) and $55 (overseas). This represents an increase in price of about 10%, which correlates to the increases we’ve faced. We want to keep our products as affordable as possible, and we thank you for your understanding. One change that we plan to implement for new subscribers is to introduce a separate subscription for our two seasonal magazines, Easter Messenger and Christmas in Zion. We will charge $15 for a one-year subscription to these magazines, which means one issue of each. Those with current subscriptions will still receive these magazines in 2022 as part of their Voice of Zion subscription, and the change will be in effect the next time they renew.
•The annual ministers teleconference was held on November 5. The Zoom connection allowed ministers from across North America to participate.
•God continues to call servants of the Word to serve His flock of children. You can read about recent ordinations on page 15.
•In response to suggestions received from believing adults concerning their wish that they could attend confirmation school again, we have arranged a Confirmation School Refresher Course for adults. This series of lessons is based on the current LLC Confirmation School curriculum. The first lesson was held at the LLC office and online on October 26.
We yet ask for your prayers that God would continue to guide and bless His work.