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  • Our Mission

    Our Mission To preach the gospel of repentance and remission of sins to the people of our communities, our nations, and throughout the world so that they might become partakers with us of the grace that God offers sin-fallen man in His Son Jesus Christ. ​ To nurture and strengthen the faith of the believing and root our children in Christian faith in God's kingdom. ​ To awaken and inspire Christian values and ethics, soberness of mind, love of homeland, and responsible citizenship among the people of our nations.

  • Day 2, Lesson 4: The Sabbath Day, Keep It Holy

    < Back Confirmation Day 2: God, the Triune God Day 2, Lesson 4: The Sabbath Day, Keep It Holy Objective Created for man to Study God’s Word, rest and refresh his mind; The Sabbath Day is honored Learning Outcome Explain God’s purpose for the Sabbath Day and how to honor it Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: The Sabbath day, let it be blest, / That thou and all thy house may rest; / Keep hand and heart from labor free / and hear mu preaching willingly. O Lord, have mercy. (SHZ 180 v.4) ​ Booklet Text: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Exodus 20:8) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 16:23-30, 20:8-10; Heb. 4:4-10 ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 6.4 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Student will understand that God has commanded a day of rest so that man has opportunity to pause beside God's Holy Word and to also rest and refresh his mind and body. The student will be able to explain how the Sabbath day is honored and give examples that demonstrate their understanding. RESOURCES​ Luther’s Small Catechism, p. 5 Part I. The Ten Commandments VZ: Keep the Sabbath Day Holy, Sept. 2007, page 2; Previous Next

  • Day 6, Lesson 4: Caring for One Another

    < Back Confirmation Day 6: Caring For Faith Within the Congregation Day 6, Lesson 4: Caring for One Another Objective First we should love God; We should love our neighbor as ourselves Learning Outcome Describe how God’s love prompts me to help others Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: When we see our neighbor suff’ring, / When he lacks necessities, / May we share our many blessings, / All the gifts that we receive. / May we comfort him who struggles, / That he never weeps alone. / May we tell him of the Savior / Seated at the mercy throne. (SHZ 412 v.3) ​ Booklet Text: “Am I my brother's keeper?” (Genesis 4:9) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Gen. 4:1-15; Gen. 23:2-6; Sam. 12-13; Matt. 7:12; 18:15-20; Luke 7:36-50; Luke 10:25-37; Luke 22:54-62; John 16:13; John 21:17; Rom. 12:10, 14-18; 1 Cor. 2:1-5; 2 Cor. 5:19,20; Gal. 1:6,7; 6:1,2; Eph. 4:1-5, 32; Col. 3:16; Heb. 12:1,2; 1Pet. 2:9. ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 7.6 ​ ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Joseph’s faith engendered love, which gave strength to forgive and care for others The Good Samaritan used his time, skills and money for the good of one that needed help The love that God gave as a gift teaches us to accept ourselves and our neighbors as unique persons created by God Valuing diversity does not mean approving of sin and an indecent life Continuous criticism, suppression, and derision of another person and cold indifference are foreign to the neighborly love that is the fruit of true faith. Neighborly love is being near, listening, but also caring and desiring to help when needed Neighborly love gives us a readiness to meet a diversity of cultures with an open mind. A person who has set out on a different road in faith matters may long for contact with believers. Learn to discuss in such a confidential, secure manner so that a person could openly ask questions and even question matters. Search for answers within the congregation of God. It is our task to convey the Redeemer’s loving invitation. A penitent sinner can believe sins forgiven unconditionally in the gospel proclaimed from the Kingdom of God. ​ RESOURCES ​ By Faith Lesson 37 ; Christian Doctrine 85 - Saved to Serve; How to Approach Another Person, Aimo Helen, SRK Speakers and Elders meeting at Summer Services 2013; How to Approach Another Person, Keith Waaraniemi, LLC Summer Services 2014 (Presentation based on Aimo’s Introduction); Crossing the Current: Neighborliness–An Individual and Worldwide Matter; Crossing the Current: Neighborliness – A Neighbor in Need, J. Bloomquist, pages 98-99; The Sheepfold Tender: Bear One Another’s Burdens, D. Lahti, p. 143-147; Do You Care About Me?T. Hanninen p.163-164; I Will Seek That Which is Lost, H. Kallunki, p.165-173 ; VZ: A Brother’s Keeper, Youth Page (several articles), Jul 1999, page 8 Previous Next

  • Day 5, Lesson 4: Sexuality Issues

    < Back Confirmation Day 5: I Need the Word Of Grace Each Day Day 5, Lesson 4: Sexuality Issues Objective God gave sexuality for man and woman in marriage, to continue human life; The enemy of souls tempts to misuse our sexuality Learning Outcome Explain how my sexuality is a gift from God Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: Master, the times are corrupt and enticing. / Grant us Your Word of instruction and blessing. / Ne’er let our hearts to this world be conforming, / That from Your kingdom not one would be drowning. (SHZ 479 v.2) ​ Booklet Text: Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.(Luke 21:36) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Genesis 38:10; Lev. 18:22; 2 Sam. 11; Prov. 7; Eccl. 1:9; Luke 5:8, 21:36; 1 Jn. 1:8,10; Rom. 1: 26,27; 3:23, 7:17; 1 Cor. 10:13; Col. 3:5,6; 2 Tim. 2:22; James 1:14,15; ​ CURRICULUM None ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Sexuality is intended for marriage, between a husband and wife It is in marriage only that sexual life is realized with a sense of responsibility. (V to V) Believers need to be very watchful and battle against temptation Masturbation is a sin It is sin to live a gay, lesbian lifestyle Appeal to creation and genetics does not justify homosexual relations If you have personal questions and fears about sexuality, talk to a trusted believer The gospel is the power of God Discuss Dress: How we dress may arouse fleshly desires in others Attitudes towards the opposite sex Avoid physical contact that arouses the flesh Man’s glorification of the body (sex symbol) Casual dating – Sexual contact, casual sex Sins of the flesh – Masturbation, pornography, other ​ RESOURCES​ LLC Website: LLC Position Statement Homosexual Behavior is Sin Victory to Victory, Sexual Life and Its Irregularities, E. Pelkonen, pages 69-74; He Created Them Male and Female, L. Värynen, Fortifying the Foundation, pages 74-75; Male and Female, At the Crossroads of Choosing, pages 37-42. Previous Next

  • Day 2, Lesson 3: The Bible, God's Written Word

    < Back Confirmation Day 2: God, the Triune God Day 2, Lesson 3: The Bible, God's Written Word Objective God reveals His will in the Bible; The Bible is a Holy Book needing the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to open understanding Learning Outcome Give an example of how God reveals His will in the Bible. Confirmation Exercise Questions #7. Where did the Scriptures come from? Holy men of God spoke and wrote as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. #8. What is the main message of the Old Testament? The promise of the coming Messiah, our Lord, Jesus Christ. #9. What is the main message of the New Testament? The fulfilment of the Old Testament promise concerning Christ. #14. The living Word of God is compared to a two edged sword. What are the two edges? The Law and the Gospel Reference Material Booklet Song: The Lord has given us His Word / That we may learn of Him. / A precious book He gave to say / We may be free from sin. (SHZ 446 v.1) ​ Booklet Text: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:20,21) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Scripture: Eph. 6:17; Gal. 1:8; Ps. 119:105; 12:6; Isa. 40:8; Jer. 23:29; John 12:48; Rom. 2:16; John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:10-14; Eph. 1:17; 3:15; 1 Pet. 1:12; 2 Pet. 1:20,21; John 5:39 ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 1.1 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS While God speaks to us in nature, the fate of our lives, and the phases of nations, He especially speaks to us in Holy Scripture and our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Holy Scripture is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is thus God’s own word. The Bible is not an encyclopedia of history, the world, and nature and its phenomena, but rather the revelation of God's works for the redemption and salvation of man. The Bible speaks of God. Pictures and narratives attempt to illustrate what God is like. • The Bible is Christian faith and life's highest guide. The Bible is a closed book that is opened by the Holy Spirit. It is to be read with prayer. Students will be able to use the Bible and want to study it daily. Students will become acquainted with Jesus’ teachings by reading together or individually one of the gospels during confirmation school. RESOURCES ​ By Faith 2; Christian Doctrine 4, 5, 6, and 7. (p1) By Faith 2; Christian Doctrine 4, 5, 6, and 7. (p2) The Treasure Hidden in a Field, J. Uljas, p. 19-26; God’s Word is the Highest Authority, J. Frantti - Crossing the Current, Pages 11-14 LLC Website: From a Child Thou Hast Known the Holy Scriptures, J. Frantti, LLC Winter Services, 1999, Youth Presentation Previous Next

  • Day 3, Lesson 2: Jesus, Our Savior

    < Back Confirmation Day 3: Jesus, the Son of God Day 3, Lesson 2: Jesus, Our Savior Objective Jesus suffered and died for the sins of all people; Jesus is the foundation of our faith Learning Outcome Explain why Jesus suffered and died on the cross Confirmation Exercise Questions # 11. How did God reconcile the sin-fallen world with himself? By giving His only Son for the sins of the world. Reference Material Booklet Song: Dearest Jesus, on Golgotha / Show Your wounds of love to us. / Our dear Father’s heart of mercy / Shines in glory on the cross. / May I always know and see / You were sacrificed for me. (SHZ 311 v. 1) ​ Booklet Text: God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. (2 Cor 5:19) ​ Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Matt. 26:14-27:66; Mark 14:12-15:47; Luke 22:7-23:56; John 18:1-19:42; 1 Cor. 15:1-4; 2; Cor. 5:18-21; Rev. 1:17,18, 20:14, 1 John 2:1,2; Gen. 3:15,21 ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 2.6 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Jesus' salvation work was a crucial victory over sin and death. Student will know the passion history of Jesus and understand that He died for our sins ad corrected the Fall in paradise. We receive our sins forgiven on the basis of Jesus' suffering and sacrificial death. RESOURCES ​ By Faith 20; Christian Doctrine 39; Salvation in Jesus Christ: The Bible’s Central Message, M. Kontkanen, The Sheepfold Tender, pages 42-44. SRK/LLC Book: Jesus Our Savior, Stories of Jesus 4. Previous Next

  • Day 3, Lesson 3: Temptation and Sin

    < Back Confirmation Day 3: Jesus, the Son of God Day 3, Lesson 3: Temptation and Sin Objective Sin is when our heart falls away from God; The attraction to sin is called temptation Learning Outcome Explain the difference between sin and temptation and give examples of each. Confirmation Exercise Questions #4. What separates man from God? Sin. #5. What is sin? Sin is thoughts, words, and deeds that are contrary to God’s will. #6. What is the “mother" of all sins? Unbelief. Reference Material Booklet Song: In Adam’s fall is all depraved: / Man’s nature and his wisdom. / When we are born, within our veins / Is flowing deadly venom, / And it is sure there is no cure / But Christ, who brought salvation. / For Satan’s lie led Eve to die / All men received damnation. (SHZ 275 v.1) ​ Booklet Text: When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. (James 1:15) ​ Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Gen. 3:1-19; Jer. 17:9-10; Ezek. 18:21-32; Luke 21:34-36; Rom. 3:9-18, 7:17-21, 13:9-10, 13:13,14; 1 Cor. 6:9-11, 10:12-13; James 1:12-16, 4:17. ​ CURRICULUM Lessons 3.4, 7.5, 9.1, 9.4 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Because of the Fall, sin and death have entered the world. As a result of the Fall into sin, sin dwells in our members. Sin is the transgression of God's will and the committing of iniquity against our neighbor. Leaving good undone is also sin. Sin appears in relations between people and in distortions of community life. Although God hates sin and condemns it, He loves sinful man and wishes to save him from everlasting condemnation. RESOURCES​ Christian Doctrine 21-28, LLC Website – LLC Position Statement, Adopted by LLC July 2006; Sin and Its Consequences, D. Anderson, Winter Services, 2009; Did God Really Say? E. Jurmu, Summer Services Youth Presentation, 2012; Being Made Free from Sin, Ye Became Servants of Righteousness, J. Frantti, Summer Services Ministers and Board Meeting, 2015; Behold, I was Shapen in Iniquity, J. Stewart, Winter Services, 2017. VZ: Bible Concepts – Sin, I. Joensuu, Sep. 1993, page 13; Temptation, E. Reinikainen, Mar. 1979, page 35; The Temptation of Jesus, W. Lampi, Mar. 1990, page 51; Previous Next

  • How We Believe

    How We Believe The Holy Bible and the Lutheran Confessions are the doctrinal foundation in Conservative Laestadianism. Centermost is the sermon of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. The work of Christ continues in this world as the work of the Holy Spirit in His congregation. ​ In Conservative Laestadianism it is taught that the Holy Spirit performs the work of salvation through the gospel. God sanctifies a sinner within His congregation. The congregation and its members have been entrusted with the word of reconciliation. The proclamation of the gospel is the office of the Holy Spirit. His followers use this authority. While preaching this gospel to all people, they also proclaim the remission of sins, which is the essence of the gospel. Therein the forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name and blood is proclaimed to the sinner. Faith comes by hearing and through hearing the word of Christ. ​ In the content of our teaching, the principles of the Reformation are regarded to be the most important. According to these principles, the Holy Bible is the highest authority in questions regarding faith and life and man is made righteous alone by faith, alone by grace, alone by the merits of Christ. ​ Faith is a gift of God. God has given the gift of faith to everyone born into this world. ​ Baptism is the covenant of a good conscience with God. In baptism God strengthens the child's faith and lifts him into the care of the congregation. An individual who has fallen from the grace of baptism can receive the gift of faith anew through repentance. ​ Repentance is a change of heart. According to Luther, it includes penitence and distress on account of sin, but at the same time believing the gospel or the absolution of sin. The essence of the gospel is the forgiveness of sins. ​ Communion is a memorial meal established by Jesus. It is intended for believers for the strengthening of their faith. ​ The kingdom of God is to be found on earth according to the teachings of Jesus. It is a kingdom of grace on earth and a kingdom of glory in heaven. The kingdom of God is one-minded in faith, doctrine, and love. ​ Treasure Hidden in a Field Read excerpts from the book The Treasure Hidden in a Field, by Juhani Uljas by clicking the "Read" button above.

  • LLC History - 2000s

    MISSION New work fields opened when God allowed a time of awakening in foreign countries. Shared pastorships were established to further pastoral efforts in local congregations. Services were broadcast via the internet and information was available online. A new hymnal brought new music and songs. Learn about the work of the Humanitarian Aid Committee. Read about Foreign Facilities. LLC History 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s LLC Music History More

  • LLC History - 1970s

    FOUNDATION After a schism, believers gathered to form a new organization which was named the Association of American Laestadian Congregations. Initial efforts were to meet needs of God’s children: to arrange services, create a publication and Sunday school teaching materials. Read the first issue of The Voice of Zion. (Jan/Feb 1974) 1974_PUB_VZ_Vol1 .pdf Download PDF • 2.03MB Subscribe to The Voice of Zion. LLC History 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s LLC Music History More

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