Tommi and Liisa Kinnunen | Shepherd's Voice 2021 February/March - Home and Family Article --
In life, we take many things for granted. We expect tomorrow to come as usual. We may not give much thought to the things that God does for us. He loves us so much that He wants us to have everything we need for our daily lives.
In this time we are living, we might wonder whether God is still caring for us. We may wonder if we or a loved one might get sick, or how long the pandemic might last. Maybe you’ve wondered when life will go back to normal, or does God remember our country’s leaders. So many questions can weigh on our minds that we may become fearful.
Especially in times like this, we are encouraged to turn to God’s Word to find comfort and peace. He knows the worries we have. He knew what we would experience in life even before the world was formed (Isaiah 46:10).
The Bible reminds us of how there is a purpose for all things (Eccl. 3:1–8). This includes this time of pandemic and other current issues in our countries. We can simply trust that God’s ways and understanding are far above ours. Often, we want answers, and in looking for them we easily forget what the Bible teaches us. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Prov. 3:5).
The wilderness journey is a good picture of our life of faith here in this world. That journey happened when long ago the Israelites left Egypt and set out for the promised land.
Just as we experience today, the Israelites were faced with many difficulties along the way. There were times when they felt that God had forgotten them. We can read about how their trials were for a purpose, known only to God. They had to be reminded to simply trust in God’s wisdom. We can read about how God did not forget them. He cared for them to the end of the journey and gave them the promised land of Canaan, just as He had promised. God always cares for His children, even today.
The believers from biblical times were no different than we are today. We don’t always understand current events and happenings, but God does, and He has allowed them. He wants us to trust in Him even when we do not understand. He will care for us through every trial and worry. We can trust in God’s Word and in His care.
Even when we don’t understand everything, we can feel the joy of believing! God’s gospel message gives us strength to believe in His grace, truth and undying love for us.
Things to Visit About:
1. How did Jesus remind His disciples about God’s care? (Matt. 6)
2. What things do we often take for granted?
3. God’s grace contains His given gifts that we do not deserve. To whom does God extend His grace? (Matt. 5:45) What is our greatest gift of grace? (Matt. 1:21)
4. How does God care for you?