Sarina Siljander | Hearken Update --
Last Thursday marked the end of one week beta testing our new Hearken app. We had roughly 100 active testers. Total we found 95 issues and have a list of 42 items on the wish list for future app development. This list of fixes has been shared with the developers who will proceed with making updates and corrections where needed.
Thank you all who participated with this testing and feedback phase of the app build! We hope we were able to personally respond to each of you but in the flood of messages we also hope we did not miss responding to one of you. All of your feedback was read and appreciated!
The main purpose of our beta testing was to get feedback on app usability and to flesh out any issues. Amongst the issues, we heard overwhelming positive feedback. I would like to share some of those thoughts now, keeping the names of the individuals anonymous.
"Love this! Beautifully done! And very easy to use! I didn’t run into any glitches!"
"I'm already impressed with the usability of the layout."
"I have liked it so far. Like the music part of is. No ads interrupting as I used to listen to it on YouTube."
"I like the ability to favorite things as well as the ease and user-friendliness of the app. Everything is laid out really nicely. The icons clearly match their category."
"So… my feedback so far…I LOVE IT!! I had no glitches during usage. Very smooth. Easy to use and appealing to the eye! Thanks to all who have worked on this. I cannot wait until it is released!"
"Amidst my feedback, I also want to just say that I'm very impressed with this app. In almost all regards it works the way I would expect a music, video, audio related app to work, and I'm very happy and excited about it. Thanks for all the work you've put into this, it's such a professional and "real" app, I think people are going to be very happy with it, myself included! I know I'll get a lot of use out of it."
This week we will continue work preparing digital content for the app as well as many things involved with the app build. These app build items include subdomain creations with SSL for the subscription website and admin panel, getting information together for app stores including Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, formatting pictures properly for the subscription website, and other such things. Once the developers complete the necessary updates based on our feedback, the LLC Digital Communications committee will confirm completion of these items in 1-2 days of testing.
Stay tuned for the next update next Tuesday!