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It Is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive

Laestadian Lutheran

Jouko Haapsaari | Shepherd's Voice December 2020/January 2021 - Home and Family Article --

When I was a little boy, I had the habit of going to my believing mother every evening to hear the gospel. She preached to me the happy message of the forgiveness of my sins. I used to preach the same gospel to her.

My mother was a believer, but my father wasn’t believing at that time. I didn’t understand it then, but I have thought about it later. When my mother and I preached the gospel to each other, it must have been an important moment to her, since her husband didn’t own the living gospel. It may have also been a deep reminder to my father about the gift of the forgiveness of the sins.

It was Jesus who said the words of our theme, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” It was likely a memorable lesson for the disciples, because they spoke about it. Even Paul, who never saw Jesus himself, knew about it. These words are not recorded in the Bible as words of Jesus, but apostle Paul said them to the elders of a certain congregation. He specifically mentioned that they were the words of Jesus.

You may wonder what you can give since you are little and perhaps don’t have much money to buy things. As a parent and grandpa, I’d say: give what you have! What could that be? You have much love and forgiveness, and you can share joy by being forgiving and helpful to your parents and siblings. Maybe you could open the door for an elder who is entering a building? That kind of act of kindness may brighten someone’s day.

Our children once brought fresh baked goods to an elderly minister and his wife, Einari and Kerttu Lepisto. They lived near us in Finland. Our children were so pleased when they came back. They had had a wonderful experience in that believing home. Einari and Kerttu were surprised and happy for the goodies. They asked the kids to come in and served them the treats they’d just baked. Their thankfulness and joy warmed our children’s hearts and they had a long-lasting learning experience. Love makes us willing to help and serve!

Things to Visit About:

  1. How does it feel when someone gives you something?

  2. How do you feel when you have made another person happy?

  3. What might prevent you from serving someone else?

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