Eric Jurmu | The Voice of Zion May 2021 - News and Notes --
In May, let us pause to remember the special occasion of Mother’s Day. It is the one day of the year which is set aside in honor of mothers. Too often, a mother’s work is overlooked and forgotten. May God richly repay for the unselfish care that you provide for your families. We wish God’s abundant and continued blessings! May He protect and keep you always as His own.
Thank you, mother dear, so precious for the love which you have shown.
We thy children are so grateful for this love that we have known.
Give abundant gifts, dear Father, to our mother on the way.
Guide her on the way to heaven unto rest with Thee one day.
(SHZ 425:1,4)
May also marks the beginning of graduations. Congratulations, 2021 graduates! It is a milestone you will always remember. May God grant life’s blessings for each of you.
Updates on LLC Activities
• God granted His abundant blessings for the LLC Ministers Camp which was held at SLC April 9–11. There, we experienced concretely the unity of faith and mutual love which joins God’s children together. In addition to many hours of open discussion the following presentations were kept over the weekend.
– What is faith? – a translation of Ari Pelkonen’s presentation to the 2021 SRK ministers meeting
– The Word of God is Quick and Powerful – Jon Bloomquist
– Current Work and Conditions in North America – Jim Frantti
These opportunities give younger and older ministers needed time to gather together to discuss the mutual work of serving and to be refreshed and encouraged in their walk of faith.
• The final agenda and meeting details have been sent to LLC congregation boards, delegates and ministers for the LLC-wide meeting to be held in Monticello, May 7–8.
• After considering many options it was decided to keep LLC Summer Services as an online only event again this year. We all wait for the day when the “birds of heaven” can gather again in-person. How wonderful that will be!
• The LLC Annual Meeting will also originate from the LLC office and be an online event. Meeting and voting details will be communicated to LLC congregations in early June.
• The new LLC office project is nearing completion with plans to move from the current office location by the end of May. For all of you who have generously supported the effort, may God richly repay your work and labor of love.
• Travel for foreign mission trips remains on hold and will commence only when deemed safe to do so. In the meantime, online and recorded sermons are kept regularly for those gathered in faraway lands.
• In preparation for the 2021 camp season, a COVID-19 preparedness plan will be in required at all LLC owned camp facilities. The plans will vary and will be tailored to local and state guidelines. It will require patience on everyone’s part to assure regulations are followed, which in turn will allow a full camp season for the benefit of all – especially our young.