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  • Day 2, Lesson 2: Faith, a Gift from God

    < Back Confirmation Day 2: God, the Triune God Day 2, Lesson 2: Faith, a Gift from God Objective Faith is our connection to God, preserved in a clean and undefiled conscience; By Faith, we already own what we hope for, and believe in things not seen Learning Outcome Define faith and how to preserve it. Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: Our Faith is the greatest of gifts we could own. / Through Christ we are given the hope of a crown. / Through grace He doth give us the strength to believe / When blessing in His name and blood is received. (SHZ 403 v.2) Booklet Text: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Hab.2:4; Matt. 6:30; Rom. 1:7; 5:12; 10:17; Acts 26:18; 1 Cor. 2:5; Gal.5:22; Eph. 2:8, 4:5, 6:16; 1 Tim. 1:19, 3:9, 6:12; 2 Tim. 3:15, 4:7; Heb. 10:22,23. 11:1-3, 11-6; 1 Pet 1:7 CURRICULUM None ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS To know God and our Savior Jesus Christ by faith is the most important matter in man’s life. A general revelation is not sufficient for knowing God Only in Jesus Christ can man truly know God Faith carries us to heaven RESOURCES Voice of Zion: Bible Concepts: What is Faith? Y. Talo, January 1993, page 13 Voice of Zion: Faith of the Heart, L. Hakso, February 200, pages 4,5 Obedience of Faith, E. Alajoki, LLC Winter Services, 1995 Faith and Reason, J. Lehtola, LLC Summer Services, 1995 Unity of Faith and Understanding, W. Lampi, LLC Summer Services, 2007 Through Faith We Understand, K. Nissalä, LLC Winter Services, 2014 Previous Next

  • Day 7, Lesson 3: Laestadian Lutheran Church (LLC)

    < Back Confirmation Day 7: Mission Work: Go Ye Therefore and Teach All Nations Day 7, Lesson 3: Laestadian Lutheran Church (LLC) Objective The mission and role of the LLC; Primary forms of work used by the LLC Learning Outcome Describe my calling as a believer within the Laestadian Lutheran Church. Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: Gracious Lord, You give to us / Duties in Your congregation; / May we take them all as gifts, / Gifts that You in love have given. / May we serve the congregation, / With respect, consideration. (SHZ 414 v.1) ​ Booklet Text: And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Genesis 2:15) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Gen. 2:15 ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 5.3 ​ ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS All believers “are the Laestadian Lutheran Church (LLC)”. The LLC office supports the needs of the believers, as directed through the Annual Meeting each year. Congregation delegates represent their congregation members at this meeting. Student will understand why the Laestadian Lutheran Church was established. Student will understand the importance of financially supporting the work in God’s Kingdom RESOURCES​ Christian Doctrine 17 LLC Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Previous Next

  • Photo Albums | Laestadian Lutheran

    Sarah & Tom April 28th, 2023 Family Portraits April 28th, 2023 Championships April 28, 2023

  • Music upload form | Laestadian Lutheran

    Music upload Do Not Webcast Song List When choosing songs, song leaders and organists should make sure they are not choosing songs that are in Do Not Webcast list for times when the broadcast is live. Often times the pre-service song and the closing songs are not webcast, so the placement of the song may allow you to sing the listed songs. Coordinate with your service director and webcaster as needed Do Not Webcast List Copyright Information Copyright Information (PDF) Upload music When choosing songs, song leaders and organists should Other Resources 2021 Church Calendar Texts and Songs ​ Songs to Sing at Communion ​ LLC Hymnal Copyright Information ​ SHZ Introductions Cross Reference ​ Song Leader & Organist Guide ​ Hymnal VK & SL 2016 Cross Reference ​ Wedding Guide ​ Wedding Music Ideas for Processionals and Recessionals ​ 2022 International Music Camp Upload Song Leading Workshop September 2021 This video shows part of an actual lesson kept this fall for Elk River congregation song leaders. In this 15-minute excerpt, workshop leader Ben Huhta talks about e.g. pronunciation, breathing, preparing for higher notes and singing through long notes. Have your songbook handy when you follow along. Song Leaders & Organist Workshop - June 30, 2020 Introduction to Organ Hymn Introductions Hymn Playing Music in Congregation Life Song Sheets Christmas Peace (SL 15) ​ When in the Moon of Wintertide

  • Day 5, Lesson 2: Repentance, a Change of Heart

    < Back Confirmation Day 5: I Need the Word Of Grace Each Day Day 5, Lesson 2: Repentance, a Change of Heart Objective Repentance is remorse over sin, believing the gospel, and the forsaking of sin; Repentance is entirely the work of God Learning Outcome Describe how an unbeliever’s life changes through repentance. Confirmation Exercise Questions #15. To whom does the Law belong according to the Bible? To the unbelieving. #19.What is true repentance or conversion? True repentance is remorse and distress over sin, believing in the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ. This is followed by a change of heart and battle against sin. Reference Material Booklet Song: This world of pain and loneliness / Brought only desolation. / Now I have hope and happiness, / True peace and consolation. / No more I roam, / But with His own, / I travel home, in Zion’s battling throng. (SHZ 321 v.6) ​ Booklet Text: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.(John 3:16) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE John 13:34,35; 17:11,21,22; Acts 2:42,44-47; Eph. 4:3-6; 1 John 5:1; 2 Kings 5; Luke 15:10-24; John 3:1-8; 10:9; Matt. 16:19; Acts 8:26-38; 9:1-18; 10:23-48; Rom. 10:13-17; John 3:16; Rom. 6:20-23; Eph. 2:8; Gal. 5:16-26; Tit. 3:1-8; James 2:17,18,20 ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 3.8 ​ ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS There are three parts of conversion identified in the Augsburg Confession. Through the means of repentance narratives in the Bible and real-life experiences, the student will understand that God has established a single means of entering the fellowship of His grace which we call conversion. Conversion happens in only one way; it is not a process of evolving, but is a particular event which happens in the twinkling of an eye. RESOURCES ​ By Faith 19a , By Faith 24 ; Christian Doctrine 71; Augsburg Confession Article XII The Treasure Hidden in the Field,J, Uljas, pages 41-48 VZ: Bible Concepts: Repentance, S. Särkiniemi, Feb. 1994, page 12 ;Repentance, J. Uljas, June 1998, page 5. Previous Next

  • Day 2, Lesson 3: The Bible, God's Written Word

    < Back Confirmation Day 2: God, the Triune God Day 2, Lesson 3: The Bible, God's Written Word Objective God reveals His will in the Bible; The Bible is a Holy Book needing the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to open understanding Learning Outcome Give an example of how God reveals His will in the Bible. Confirmation Exercise Questions #7. Where did the Scriptures come from? Holy men of God spoke and wrote as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. #8. What is the main message of the Old Testament? The promise of the coming Messiah, our Lord, Jesus Christ. #9. What is the main message of the New Testament? The fulfilment of the Old Testament promise concerning Christ. #14. The living Word of God is compared to a two edged sword. What are the two edges? The Law and the Gospel Reference Material Booklet Song: The Lord has given us His Word / That we may learn of Him. / A precious book He gave to say / We may be free from sin. (SHZ 446 v.1) ​ Booklet Text: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:20,21) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Scripture: Eph. 6:17; Gal. 1:8; Ps. 119:105; 12:6; Isa. 40:8; Jer. 23:29; John 12:48; Rom. 2:16; John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:10-14; Eph. 1:17; 3:15; 1 Pet. 1:12; 2 Pet. 1:20,21; John 5:39 ​ CURRICULUM Lesson 1.1 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS While God speaks to us in nature, the fate of our lives, and the phases of nations, He especially speaks to us in Holy Scripture and our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Holy Scripture is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is thus God’s own word. The Bible is not an encyclopedia of history, the world, and nature and its phenomena, but rather the revelation of God's works for the redemption and salvation of man. The Bible speaks of God. Pictures and narratives attempt to illustrate what God is like. • The Bible is Christian faith and life's highest guide. The Bible is a closed book that is opened by the Holy Spirit. It is to be read with prayer. Students will be able to use the Bible and want to study it daily. Students will become acquainted with Jesus’ teachings by reading together or individually one of the gospels during confirmation school. RESOURCES ​ By Faith 2; Christian Doctrine 4, 5, 6, and 7. (p1) By Faith 2; Christian Doctrine 4, 5, 6, and 7. (p2) The Treasure Hidden in a Field, J. Uljas, p. 19-26; God’s Word is the Highest Authority, J. Frantti - Crossing the Current, Pages 11-14 LLC Website: From a Child Thou Hast Known the Holy Scriptures, J. Frantti, LLC Winter Services, 1999, Youth Presentation Previous Next

  • Day 3, Lesson 1: Jesus, the Word Made Flesh

    < Back Confirmation Day 3: Jesus, the Son of God Day 3, Lesson 1: Jesus, the Word Made Flesh Objective Jesus was born God and man; The fulfilment of God’s Promise Learning Outcome Write down a scripture verse to support that Jesus was both God and man. (Example, Matthew 1:18-25) Confirmation Exercise Questions None Reference Material Booklet Song: The Son obeyed His Father’s will, / Was born of virgin mother, / And God’s good pleasure to fulfill, / He came to be my brother. / No garb of pomp or pow’r He wore, / A servant’s form, like mine, He bore / To lead the devil captive. (SHZ 272 v. 6) ​ Booklet Text: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Matt. 1:18-25, 3:13-17, 4:1-11, 16:13-16, 28:18; Luke 2:41-50; 3:21,22; 4:1-13; John 1:14, 3:16; Acts 13:28-39; Eph. 1:19-23; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 4:15-16; 1 Tim. 3:16 ​ CURRICULUM Lessons 2.4, 2.5 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Some of the major prophecies concerning Jesus that are in the Old Testament. The main phases and work of Jesus’ life God's salvation work climaxes in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus’ origin was unique: He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus, as true man, like us experienced pain, hunger, sorrow, joy, fear and so on, but was nonetheless without sin. Jesus spoke of himself as the Messiah and God's Son. Jesus, as true God, had a unique relationship with the Father and that the Father has given Him all power in heaven and on earth. Explanation to the 2nd Article of the Creed, Luther’s Small Catechism RESOURCES ​ By Faith 19b; Christian Doctrine 29 -38; (p1 By Faith 19b; Christian Doctrine 29 -38; (p2) VZ: The Birth of Jesus Christ, Q. Ruonavaara, Dec. 1991, page 275. Unto You a Savior is Born, J. Stewart, Dec. 2008, page 11 (p1) VZ: The Birth of Jesus Christ, Q. Ruonavaara, Dec. 1991, page 275. Unto You a Savior is Born, J. Stewart, Dec. 2008, page 11 (p2) Previous Next

  • Day 7, Lesson 2: Luther and the Reformation (Video)

    < Back Confirmation Day 7: Mission Work: Go Ye Therefore and Teach All Nations Day 7, Lesson 2: Luther and the Reformation (Video) Objective Understand the main reason for the Reformation Learning Outcome Name two results of the Reformation that are still in practice for believers Confirmation Exercise Questions Booklet Song: Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice, / With exultation springing, / And with united heart and voice / And holy rapture singing, / Proclaim the wonders God hath done, / How His right arm the vict’ry won; / Right dearly it hath cost Him. (SHZ 272 v.1) ​ Booklet Text: For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.(Romans 1:17) Reference Material SCRIPTURE Check the video for scripture references CURRICULUM Lesson 5.1 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Most significant contributions are doctrine, the Catechism, and the songbook The Word of God is Christian faith and life’s highest guide The video discusses the following points: Lutheran theology Scripture alone – vs. tradition Man is saved by faith alone – vs. works Grace alone – vs. human merit Priesthood of the believers The Small Catechism was written by Luther Three songs from our SHZ hymnal are mentioned in the video Luther is attributed to over 20 songs in our SHZ hymnal RESOURCES Note: The video link is to a OneDrive shared folder. The video can be downloaded from this folder. It is the first of the four videos. Introduction to Luther and the Reformation video, Dan Wuollet, 2017 VZ: Reformation 500 Articles, each issue, Jan. to Dec. 2017 ; The Bible-Christian Faith’s Highest Authority and Guide, VZ May 2017 ; Luther on Marriage, VZ June/July 2017 ; Mikael Agricola, Finnish Reformer, VZ Aug 2017 ; Luther Experienced Loss of Loved Ones, VZ Oct 2017; Luther, the Musician, VZ Nov 2017; Reformation 500 Bible Camp—Stony Lake, VZ Jan 2018 ; Christian Freedom, VZ Feb 2018 ; We Partake of Holy Communion in Remembrance of Jesus, VZ Mar 2018 Ref 500 Project: LLC Files – all articles, presentations, music and videos covered in 2017 Additional Reference Material SCRIPTURE Check the video for scripture references CURRICULUM Lesson 5.1 ADDITIONAL LESSON POINTS Most significant contributions are doctrine, the Catechism, and the songbook The Word of God is Christian faith and life’s highest guide The video discusses the following points: Lutheran theology Scripture alone – vs. tradition Man is saved by faith alone – vs. works Grace alone – vs. human merit Priesthood of the believers The Small Catechism was written by Luther Three songs from our SHZ hymnal are mentioned in the video Luther is attributed to over 20 songs in our SHZ hymnal RESOURCES Note: The video link is to a OneDrive shared folder. The video can be downloaded from this folder. It is the first of the four videos. Introduction to Luther and the Reformation video, Dan Wuollet, 2017 VZ: Reformation 500 Articles, each issue, Jan. to Dec. 2017 ; The Bible-Christian Faith’s Highest Authority and Guide, VZ May 2017 ; Luther on Marriage, VZ June/July 2017 ; Mikael Agricola, Finnish Reformer, VZ Aug 2017 ; Luther Experienced Loss of Loved Ones, VZ Oct 2017; Luther, the Musician, VZ Nov 2017; Reformation 500 Bible Camp—Stony Lake, VZ Jan 2018 ; Christian Freedom, VZ Feb 2018 ; We Partake of Holy Communion in Remembrance of Jesus, VZ Mar 2018 Ref 500 Project: LLC Files – all articles, presentations, music and videos covered in 2017 Previous Next

  • LLC Lectionary | Laestadian Lutheran

    LLC Lectionary LLC Lectionary based on the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church Calendar themes and texts. ​ 2024 LLC Lectionary ​ 2025 LLC Lectionary

  • Question Box | Laestadian Lutheran

    Question Box Got questions about faith, life, or anything in between? We value your questions and invite you to ask them. Your anonymity is respected, so feel free to ask anything. Submit your question below. Note that questions will be answered in a feature in The Voice of Zion and potentially in other print or digital publications as well. We reserve the right to select questions to answer as well as to edit for grammar, spelling or clarity. We may also combine like questions. Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting!

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